Akathist to Valerius Gafencu, The Saint of the Prisons

Composed by the Brotherhood of Petru Vodă Monastery

Kaleb of Atlanta
34 min readFeb 15, 2025
New Martyr and Confessor Valerius Gafencu, The Prison Saint of Romania (18 Feb)

A Word of Wisdom from Blessed Valerius Gafencu:
“All of mankind can be holy. We have saints who prayed in the wilderness, we have confessor saints from the Roman arenas, we have saints from the catacombs and the prisons, we have holy emperors and heroes, we have holy priests and laymen. All people, in every domain of life, are called to sainthood, that is, to ‘life lived in the light of the Holy Ghost.’”

The Troparion of Blessed Valerius Gafencu, 4th Tone:
In thee, O holy one, hath we given wings of God-bearing and all-sacrificial love to our hearts, for in loving us, thou hast sown this Love in our souls, and in crucifying sin, thou hast acquired the wound of unceasing prayer. In this, O Holy Martyr Valerius, thy spirit rejoices in God the Most High!

The Kontakion of Blessed Valerius Gafencu, 4th Tone:
Let us celebrate the bright company of the new bearer of Christ, Valerius, who hath shone forth the Orthodox faith in the prisons, he who wedded the earthly homeland to the heavenly homeland and, perfectly following Christ, became like Him, we magnify him with joy.

New Martyr and Confessor Valerius Gafencu, The Prison Saint of Romania (18 Feb)

The Unseated Hymn to Saint Valerius Gafencu

Priest: In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Reader: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, Who art everywhere present and fillest all things; Treasury of Blessings, and Giver of Life — come and abide in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O Good One.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse us from our sins. Master, pardon our transgressions. Holy One, look upon and heal our infirmities, for Thy name’s sake.

Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Priest: For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power and the Glory, of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Reader: Amen.

Lord, have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now
and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

O come, let us worship God, our King.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King and our God.
O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy compassions blot out my transgression. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know mine iniquity, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned and done this evil before Thee, that Thou mightest be justified in Thy words, and prevail when Thou art judged.

For behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and in sins did my mother bear me. For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of Thy wisdom hast Thou made manifest unto me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be made clean; Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness; the bones that be humbled, they shall rejoice.

Turn Thy face away from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Ghost from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and with Thy governing Spirit establish me. I shall teach transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall turn back unto Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation; my tongue shall rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips, and my mouth shall declare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had given it; with wholeburnt offerings Thou shalt not be pleased. A sacrifice unto God is a broken spirit; a heart that is broken and humbled God will not despise.

Do good, O Lord, in Thy good pleasure unto Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be builded. Then shalt Thou be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole burnt offerings. Then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar

1st Hymn on the Scroll (Kontakion):
The one who didst fulfill the word of the Gospel hath shone forth, illuminating like a candle from which all others drew their flame, and hath become a light in the darkness of the prisons. Come, O ye lovers of asceticism, let us honor him as a teacher of sacrifice, patience, and fruitful love, and let us sing to him: Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

1st Stanza (Ikos):
Thy preaching hath reached us, O chosen confessor, when thou didst say: “The Lord of Glory calls thee to the light, the martyrs call thee to eternity. Fortify the Christian Church with living stones built into the foundation!” Willing to follow thine exhortation, we pray that thou wouldst be our swift defender, that we may sing with one voice such praises as these:

Rejoice, crown of the Church and treasure from Romania.
Rejoice, for thou art the joy of the faithful and a gift from above.
Rejoice, New Apostle who hast preached the True Faith in the prisons.
Rejoice, for thou hast hidden thy grace in a garment of humility.
Rejoice, thou brother of the martyrs from the early Christian ages.
Rejoice, for the land of Bessarabia is glorified through thee.
Rejoice, for from childhood thou hast been blessed from the heavens.
Rejoice, for thou wast called to serve both God and neighbor.
Rejoice, for thy youth was sealed with virginity and holiness.
Rejoice, for in fighting temptations, thou wast a lover of purity.
Rejoice, for thou didst learn to endure hardship from thy father’s courage.
Rejoice, for thou hadst fear in neither death nor tribulation.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

2nd Hymn on the Scroll:
Having great reverence for the Most Holy Birthgiver of God, thou didst not hesitate to say to others, “The Mother of God fulfills my prayers,” in order to increase their hope in her heavenly protection. And she, marvelously appearing before thee in prison, answered thy prayer, saying unto thee, “I am thy love! Don’t be afraid. Don’t doubt. My Son will be victorious.” Seeing how God hath ordained that thou be strengthened to bear thy cross without murmuring, we sing to Him: Hallelujah!

2nd Stanza:
Thou hast seen the Blessed Virgin, the hope of the hopeless and the Joy of All Who Sorrow, bearing witness that Christ sanctified the prison in which thou hadst suffered for Him, together with other martyrs, laymen, monks, and priests, so that those among us and those who will come after us may learn from thy sacrifice. Her holy words banish from us all doubt in thy holiness, and for this, we offer thee these praises as is meet:

Rejoice, for thou madest prison a monastery protected by the Mother of God.
Rejoice, for God hath shed holy fragrance in the world through thee.
Rejoice, thou youth seeking the love that is imperishable.
Rejoice, for thy virtues shone before others like the sun.
Rejoice, for the Blessed Virgin guided thee in the way of purity.
Rejoice, for under her holy cover, thou didst live a holy life.
Rejoice, thou trust of those who choose the way of virginity.
Rejoice, branch of humility and flower of joy.
Rejoice, for thou art numbered among the saints thou didst honor.
Rejoice, thou ark on which the Holy Ghost hath poured Himself out.
Rejoice, for thou hast known the tender humility of mourning thy sins.
Rejoice, for thy longing for heaven hath kindled the flame of thy heart.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

3rd Hymn on the Scroll:
Thou hast shown thyself to be a wise teacher, saying that “Any true joy is gained at the price of sacrifice. Any citadel is conquered by faith, determination, boldness, with faith in our God-given mission, and mainly by prayer.” Nourished by thy teachings, we sing to the God Who hath made thee wise: Hallelujah!

3rd Stanza:
O martyr, thou hast been a philosopher of the Philokalia written in blood and a skillful teacher of the Jesus prayer, shewing thyself to be a quiet follower of the great fathers of old. Thou didst find peace of heart and encouraged others to seek it, saying: “In struggling against the powers of darkness, with God in mind, I found peace in prayer.” And we, wishing to walk the way thou hast walked, sing of thy worthiness to thee:

Rejoice, for the Jesus prayer hath made thy heart into an altar.
Rejoice, for thy soul was filled with grace.
Rejoice, for prayer to the Archangel hath made thee an angel in the flesh.
Rejoice, for the beauties of the kingdom of heaven hath wounded thy soul.
Rejoice, O blessing to those who suffer with thee.
Rejoice, thou who art ever a guide to do good.
Rejoice, for thou didst counsel them to beware of unmeasured pride.
Rejoice, for those who honor thee marvel at thy life.
Rejoice, for they begin to praise thee with the angelic host.
Rejoice, thou God-lit pyre in the wilderness of the prison.
Rejoice, thou prayerful deliverance from the passions of lust and wrath.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

4th Hymn on the Scroll:
Thy sufferings and prayers hath given thee the grace of clairvoyance by thine ascetic struggles, the gift of which was enjoyed by those who suffered with thee. And to one of these didst thou prophesy: “A moment will come in thy life when, without any effort on thy part, thy heart shall sing the prayer on its own,” and when thy words were fulfilled, he sang unto God: Hallelujah!

4th Stanza:
Lying on the bed of thy suffering on the night of Holy Easter, thou sawest, by the gift of God, the faithful in the distance who came from the hermitage after the Divine Liturgy, coming down with lighted candles. By such a miracle, those imprisoned with thee realized the extent of thy magnification, that the chains and walls of the prison could not enclose thy pure soul. For this and other feats, we praise thee like so:

Rejoice, for the Holy Ghost hath dwelt in thy heart.
Rejoice, for God hath given thee wonderful gifts.
Rejoice, for thou hast foreknown of many things to come.
Rejoice, for thou knewest in advance the day of thy departure to the Lord.
Rejoice, for thou didst reveal this mystery to he who trusted in thy increase.
Rejoice, for he hath testified of thy holiness in fulfillment of the prophecy.
Rejoice, for the news of thy graces in prison hath spread far and wide.
Rejoice, for by fleeing from pride, thou hast multiplied thy talents.
Rejoice, for the favor of the Lord helps those who pray to thee.
Rejoice, for those entreating thee know that thou workest miracles.
Rejoice, for thou hast received grace from above.
Rejoice, for thou dost now worship God with the angels.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

5th Hymn on the Scroll:
To those who urged thee, in the last days of thy holy life, to spare what little strength thou hadst left and to speak as little as possible, thou didst request: “Take not this joy from me, for I live to bear witness to Christ; and if I live, it is by His mercy that I live, and if I cannot show the love I bear for ye, it would be useless for me to live.” And we, seeing in thee the icon of love that is unfeigned, praise the God Who hath put a pearl of great price in thy heart, singing to Him: Hallelujah!

5th Stanza:
Thou wast an example to those imprisoned with thee, humbling thyself and putting the well-being of thy neighbors before thine own. Thou hast loved the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and modeled thy life after the words of Christ, sacrificing thyself for thy neighbor and climbing the ladder of virtue, giving us just cause to praise thee as such:

Rejoice, for in giving to others, thou hast gained God all the more.
Rejoice, for by giving thy garment to the needy, thou hast given to Christ.
Rejoice, for thine alms were counted with the two mites of the widow.
Rejoice, for those who hath heard thy deeds of love were humbled.
Rejoice, willing giver receiving God’s reward.
Rejoice, thou who hast shown the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, for following the Gospel hath made thee a model of mercy.
Rejoice, for thy deeds hath taught us to flee from the passion of greed.
Rejoice, soldier of Christ, who sacrificed thyself for His love.
Rejoice, holy martyr, that thy works have blossomed in our hearts.
Rejoice, for thy prayers hath melted the wax of our hardened hearts.
Rejoice, for even the hard-hearted now strive to do good.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

6th Hymn on the Scroll:
We have heard thy wise counsel, “In all circumstances, pray to God that His will be fulfilled.” Willing to know and do the will of God, denying our own will, and fleeing from the temptations of the evil one, we chant unto God: Hallelujah!

6th Stanza:
As a new Job, O holy one, thou didst bear the cross of sickness with great patience, showing us how we should endure the trials that befall us. By God’s mercy, thou didst endure the sufferings of a martyr when the doctor cut thy body without numbing the pain, for which we, marveling at thy greatness, sing such praises as these:

Rejoice, for thou hast pondered the Crucified in the midst of fearful pains.
Rejoice, for the demon of despair could not bring thee to thy knees.
Rejoice, medicine of God sent in a body oppressed by sickness.
Rejoice, refuge of those burdened by incurable disease.
Rejoice, thou who banishest impatience from the sick who pray to thee.
Rejoice, for thou dost reward those who care for the sick.
Rejoice, thou new unmercenary physician who hast healed by prayer.
Rejoice, for thou art a deliverance of the poor and persecutor of demons.
Rejoice, for thou hast counseled us to deny our will.
Rejoice, for thou hast bid us to embrace the will of God.
Rejoice, for thou didst exhort us to leave behind all earthly cares.
Rejoice, for thou dost strengthen us to do the will of God.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

7th Hymn on the Scroll:
Thou didst say on thy deathbed to the doctor deceived by the teachings of the heretical Luther, “The end of my life is a final Orthodox witness. I would be very glad to see you return to the True Church,” and prayed for his unity to the Faith. Willing to share in thy zeal for the salvation of those who stand far from the Truth, we sing unto God: Hallelujah!

7th Stanza:
“Anyone who believes but is not a missionary hath not yet known the beauty of faith,” didst thou say, O martyr, kindling in us the fire of the confession of Christ. By thy deeds, thou didst reinforce these words, for thou hast sacrificed thyself out of love for a Jewish pastor, praying that he might become a son of the Holy Church and giving him the medicine that could have saved thy life. For this boundless love, we sing in faith and honor for thee:

Rejoice, for thou hast been a tireless worker in God’s pasture.
Rejoice, for thou hast been a light in the darkness of the prison.
Rejoice, for thou hast shown martyric love to a Jewish pastor.
Rejoice, for thy sacrifice hath now borne good fruit in our souls.
Rejoice, thou valiant guardian of the teachings of the Church.
Rejoice, thou resistance of unorthodox teachings.
Rejoice, for thou hast loved heretics yet destroyed the flood of heresy.
Rejoice, for thou hast fearlessly faced the wicked nature of their lies.
Rejoice, for many have repented of their sins by obeying thee.
Rejoice, for they departed faithful to thy words in hope of the resurrection.
Rejoice, for their deliverance from eternal torment and condemnation.
Rejoice, for they doth testify before God of thy good deeds.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

8th Hymn on the Scroll:
The waves of life hath thrown us into the whirlpool of the passions, fearless confessor, and it is easier for us to choose the broad way that leadeth to destruction, but we keep thy word in our hearts: “Thou must oppose sin mercilessly. Then thou shalt be born anew. There is no path of compromise,” and fighting the good fight, we chant unto God: Hallelujah!

8th Stanza:
“How shalt thou withstand the great trials we are engaged in if thou canst not resist a cigarette?” thou hast asked the young man who did not realize that he was stripping himself of divine grace by his sin, and he, humbled before thy rebuke, not only understood his mistake but changed his whole life. We, taking note of his correction and praying that thou dost help us and deliver us from all our passions, sing these praises to thee:

Rejoice, for those who honor thee keep their minds from evil thoughts.
Rejoice, for they are sanctified by casting away the wisdom of this age.
Rejoice, for thou has revealed the depth of sin in a Manual of Confession.
Rejoice, thou who art a stronghold against the passions and lusts.
Rejoice, for thou hast led us to confess to escape the burden of sin.
Rejoice, for thou hast exhorted men to obey their confessor.
Rejoice, for thou dost keep us from unworthy partaking of the mysteries.
Rejoice, for by prayer thou restrainest the storm of our passions.
Rejoice, thou who in times of debauchery hast been a model of purity.
Rejoice, thou who in times of worldly riches hast been a lover of poverty.
Rejoice, thou who, though not a monk, didst keep the monastic life.
Rejoice, thou who became holy and now dost lead us to holiness.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

9th Hymn on the Scroll:
Wanting to awaken us from the numbness that hath seized us, O Servant of God, thou hast written that “Sin is a second crucifixion of Christ; now it is those who are baptized who spit in His face, it is those who call themselves Christians who put the crown of thorns on His head, it is they who slap Him, who nail Him to the Cross, who goad Him with the spear, those for whom Christ suffered mockery and beating and for whom He shed His blood on Golgotha.” That we may be kept from such a fall, we chant unto God: Hallelujah!

9th Stanza:
“Christians cannot accept the alluring, tempting peace of Satan. Christians cannot accept anything other than the peace of Christ, no matter how many sacrifices are required of them,” didst thy word echo in the jails, like that of the Baptist in the wilderness. O Martyr, will we know how to receive thy word when the Herods of our times ask us to receive the false peace of denying Christ? We pray in the hope of enduring such trials these hymns in honor of thee:

Rejoice, thou striving for the righteous peace of God.
Rejoice, inner peace that hath tamed the prison guards.
Rejoice, thou rebuke of the transgressions O Sword of the Word.
Rejoice, thou truth that scatters the clouds of lies.
Rejoice, thou comfort in times of trouble.
Rejoice, thou reproof of soul-destroying hypocrisy.
Rejoice, righteous guide of the humble.
Rejoice, silent guard of the monastic life.
Rejoice, fellow preacher of the priests of the Church.
Rejoice, eager support of zealous hierarchs.
Rejoice, thou path to the Eternal East of the Easts.
Rejoice, thou flame for lovers of truth and disciple of the Truth.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

10th Hymn on the Scroll:
“I am truly blessed to die for Christ. Everything is a miracle. To the degree to which I will be allowed, I will pray for you from the place where I will be and I will be beside you,” didst thou say on the last day of thy life, testifying to thy care for those close to thee. And we, pondering thy glorious end, sing to Him who called thee to His kingdom: Hallelujah!

10th Stanza:
Being persecuted for Christ’s sake, thou hast confessed that thou seest as thy friend every soul that thinks of thee with Christian love. O, that thou wouldst receive our love and honor! With boldness, we pray, holy one, asking thee to receive the littleness of our praise:

Rejoice, for thy soul delights in eternal beauty.
Rejoice, friend of those who follow thy teachings.
Rejoice, thou who dost pray for us with the host of saints.
Rejoice, for by thy prayers, we are delivered from necessity.
Rejoice, for in prison thou didst strengthen the weak in faith.
Rejoice, for in patience thou hast overcome the obstinate.
Rejoice, thou who felt no shame when faced by slanders.
Rejoice, for thou hast shown boldness in the face of persecutors.
Rejoice, for while yet in the flesh thou hast foretold of eternal joy.
Rejoice, for seeing thy transfiguration filled onlookers with wonder.
Rejoice, thou seed of holiness sown in the dungeon of earth.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the New Covenant.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

11th Hymn on the Scroll:
Thy prophecy hath come true, holy one, that “death in Christ’s name brings the blessedness of life eternal.” For as thou wast leaving this world, one of those with whom thou didst together saw thee in a dream ascending to heaven on a throne of light, and when he heard of thy passing to the Lord, he sang to the Lover of Mankind: Hallelujah!

11th Stanza:
“One day there will be pilgrimages here,” prophesied the Venerable Gerasimus, asking that thou dost pray for him. From this glorious confessor, who from the eldership of Tismana went to the prisons of Târgu-Ocna, being thy brother in suffering. Teaching us to ask that thou dost pray for also us, we sing these songs of praise:

Rejoice, thou who art rightly called the Saint of the Prisons.
Rejoice, for thy holiness is like unto the Great Martyrs.
Rejoice, for the number of pilgrims to Târgu-Ocna hath been multiplied.
Rejoice, for the prophecy of Gerasimus about the prison hath been fulfilled.
Rejoice that together with the new confessors from all over the world, thou dost glorify Christ.
Rejoice, for thou dost rejoice with the martyrs of the Romanian prisons.
Rejoice, for thou hast exhorted us to honor the new martyrs.
Rejoice, for by following thy teaching hath we profit in faith.
Rejoice, for by prayer, the impatience of the imprisoned is changed to patience.
Rejoice, for thou hast blessed them as Demetrius hath blessed Nestor.
Rejoice, for with thee hath they received the reward of heaven.
Rejoice, for they, strengthened in faith, have confessed the eternal Truth.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

12th Hymn on the Scroll:
To the woman who risked her life, coming to thee in secret one night, thou didst request: “I ask of thee that thou bearest witness to people and to my dear family that I was a believer until the end, that I died reconciled, that I have given my life for Christ and for my neighbors.” And we, taking the boldness to testify to the people of thy martyric sufferings, we chant unto God: Hallelujah!

12th Stanza:
Holy Martyr Valerius, being confident of thy holiness, we pray to God that through thy prayers, He may bestow upon us the strength to make a good beginning of our salvation. We believe that thou prayest for all who cometh to thee in hope, and for this, we sing to thee:

Rejoice, bright lily chosen among flowers of martyrdom.
Rejoice, for from sorrow thou hast come into the kingdom of joy.
Rejoice, thou shining beacon for the ages to come.
Rejoice, our intercessor before the Just Judge.
Rejoice, heavenly comfort to those in the fires of temptation.
Rejoice, who shamest and dost confound the work of devils.
Rejoice, mighty shield in the time of Christian persecution.
Rejoice, thou urge of us to follow the footsteps of the martyrs.
Rejoice, fruit of the Gospel that hath blossomed in Romania.
Rejoice, for the righteous of all nations honor thee with piety.
Rejoice, for thy praise is proclaimed throughout the Church.
Rejoice, for through thee, Christ is glorified.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

13th Hymn on the Scroll:
O Saint Valerius, Crown of the Romanian Martyrs of the persecution of the 20th century, be our heavenly defender! Thou seest, O holy one, the deceitful snares of the devil, thou seest the passions that beset us, thou seest the helplessness of our souls. But see thou also our hope in the help from on high, do thou visit us and bring us out of the trials by fire, that when we reach the heavenly kingdom, we may sing with thee to the living God: Hallelujah!

O Saint Valerius, Crown of the Romanian Martyrs of the persecution of the 20th century, be our heavenly defender! Thou seest, O holy one, the deceitful snares of the devil, thou seest the passions that beset us, thou seest the helplessness of our souls. But see thou also our hope in the help from on high, do thou visit us and bring us out of the trials by fire, that when we reach the heavenly kingdom, we may sing with thee to the living God: Hallelujah!

O Saint Valerius, Crown of the Romanian Martyrs of the persecution of the 20th century, be our heavenly defender! Thou seest, O holy one, the deceitful snares of the devil, thou seest the passions that beset us, thou seest the helplessness of our souls. But see thou also our hope in the help from on high, do thou visit us and bring us out of the trials by fire, that when we reach the heavenly kingdom, we may sing with thee to the living God: Hallelujah!

1st Stanza:
Thy preaching hast reached us, O chosen confessor, when thou didst say: “The Lord of Glory calls thee to the light, the martyrs call thee to eternity. Fortify the Christian Church with living stones built into the foundation!” Willing to follow thine exhortation, we pray that thou wouldst be our swift defender, that we may sing with one voice such praises as these:

Rejoice, crown of the Church and treasure from Romania.
Rejoice, for thou art the joy of the faithful and a gift from above.
Rejoice, New Apostle who hast preached the True Faith in the prisons.
Rejoice, for thou hast hidden thy grace in a garment of humility.
Rejoice, thou brother of the martyrs from the early Christian ages.
Rejoice, for the land of Bessarabia is glorified through thee.
Rejoice, for from childhood thou hast been blessed from the heavens.
Rejoice, for thou wast called to serve both God and neighbor.
Rejoice, for thy youth was sealed with virginity and holiness.
Rejoice, for in fighting temptations, thou wast a lover of purity.
Rejoice, for thou didst learn to endure hardship from thy father’s courage.
Rejoice, for thou hadst fear in neither death nor tribulation.
Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

1st Hymn on the Scroll:
The one who didst fulfill the word of the Gospel hath shone forth, illuminating like a candle from which all others drew their flame, and hath become a light in the darkness of the prisons. Come, O lovers of asceticism, let us honor him as a teacher of sacrifice, patience, and fruitful love, and let us sing to him: Rejoice, O long-suffering Valerius, thou who art the strength of those persecuted for Christ!

++++Here endeth the hymn.++++

A Prayer to Saint Valerius Gafencu:
Saint Valerius, new confessor of the faith in Christ, we run to thee as to a speedy helper of all who pray before thee. See thou, O holy one, our sorrows, see our weaknesses, see the poverty of our faith, and be not ashamed of our idleness and our nothingness.

We beseech thee, O holy one, hasten to help and sustain us by thine unceasing and holy prayers. We know thou hast endured great persecutions for the love of Christ, but through patience hast thou received gifts from God and dost live now in the light of heaven. Thy blessed deeds hath made us to call on thee for aid. Confident are we that whosoever cometh to thee in faith, entreating thine assistance, shall not be overlooked by thee.

Lift us up from the pit of fear into which the demonic adversary hath cast us, and do thou raise us up in the way of the confession of faith in the true God. Be thou a model for us, a guide for us, for the enemy’s snares are deceitful, and we know not how to avoid them. Pray that we may be kept from their plans and receive from God the gift of an upright reckoning. Help those that falleth in sin to repent by thy prayers, just as thou hast helped sinners by thy teaching in the prisons thou didst pass through.

Pray, holy martyr, for the pastors of our souls, that they guideth us on the right path. Pray for all priests and deacons that God may give unto them the courage to sow the seed of the Gospel where it is needed.

Pray for the Orthodox bishops, that they tendeth the flock in the fear of God, without fear of those who are great according to the world. Take care, Saint Valerius, of all monks and nuns, being their supporter and guardian, so that having thee as their companion in prayer, they may increase in spiritual labor and virtue.

Take care, O holy one, of all those persecuted for Christ’s sake, that they endureth with martyric patience and without murmuring. Take care also for their persecutors, praying for them as thou didst pray for thine own persecutors.

Strengthen thou us, O holy one, in our struggle for salvation, so that in thanksgiving to thee we may praise and bless and glorify the Most Blessed and All-Holy Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


A Prayer to the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Prisons:
Holy New Martyrs and Confessors, pray to God for us in these times of great trial. Take care of all the clergy and faithful. Do not allow the enemy of our salvation to overwhelm the soil of our souls through errors and passions of all kinds. Help us to make, again and again, a good beginning to our salvation.

Guide us on the path of salvation, instructing us through our spiritual fathers. Support those who desire to reject the wisdom of this world and acquire true wisdom. Strengthen those who, out of fear, avoid bearing witness. Raise those who have fallen into the pit of sins. Ease the sufferings of the sick and give what is needful to those in great need.

All ye saints, who have endured hunger, thirst, cold, heat, nakedness, have received from God the gift of comforting those in all kinds of need. We desire your deeds in our lives, we wish to witness your miraculous intercession. Soften those who still persecute you, appease those who still slander you. Pray to God that the witness of your zeal and holiness will spread everywhere. Strengthen us, O saints, to follow in your footsteps so that we may truly be the followers of your prayers.

Help us to depict your icons in our hearts and to praise you until the last hour of our lives, glorifying God in the Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


A Prayer for the Glorification of the New Martyrs of the Prisons:
O Lord, our God, who didst keep Daniel and the Three Youths safe in the furnace of fire, and who hast strengthened the witnesses of the last persecution to bear good testimony before the persecutors, receive this little prayer from us.

Sow, O Christ God, their sacrifice as a seed in the soil of our hearts. May this seed bring forth good fruit, may it be unto us a good beginning of salvation, and may it bestow upon us the courage to confess the truth in the face of those who mock it. Grant, O Lord, that their example may not be forgotten, but rather that the most just sons of the Church may be nourished by it. Grant thou that their virtues and sacrifice may be a rebuke to our idleness and neglect and that we may receive this rebuke for our correction.

Saint Mary Magdalene once asked for thy body, saying to the Gardener, “Lord, tell me where thou hast laid Him, and I will take Him away.” In like manner do we fall before Thee, praying before Thee in the hope that Thou wilt forgive our boldness and shall not overlook our request: “Lord, show us where the holy relics of Thy confessors are, that when we find them, we may honor them with piety.” If it be our sins that doth withhold us from being worthy to venerate them, we beseech Thee, O Lord, with broken and humbled hearts, that Thou, O Lord, shall not let the holy relics of Thy servants be forgotten, but bring them to light, that they may receive the honor due to them.

Grant that, venerating them with piety, we may also enjoy their honor in Thy Church together with the hosts of the martyrs, as is their due. With them, O Triune God, may we bring glory, honor, and worship unto Thee, to the Father and the Son and to the Holy Ghost, now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Another Prayer to Saint Valerius Gafencu:
Holy Martyr Valerius, Enlightener of the Prisons in our times, pray to the Eternal God to open the prison of my soul, which, having entered the chains of passions, suffers. With the fragrance of thy lily-like soul, may my soul be preserved from corruption, may it cover, by thy prayers, the palms of disobedience and lack of restraint with which I strike my heart, and may it comfort the pain of my imperfections. May thy love deepen in me the longing for the Great Love of Christ for the world, becoming for me and for my entire race, the womb of the Resurrection! Amen.

New Martyr and Confessor Valerius Gafencu, The Prison Saint of Romania (18 Feb)

More Hymns to Saint Valerius Gafencu:

The Troparion from the Supplication to Blessed Valerius, 4th Tone:
Blessed art thou, O Righteous Valerius, for thou didst descend into the abyss of humility, and Christ hasteneth to rescue and bear thee up to the apex of His glory, showing forth the bottomless nature of divine love. We, knowing not this wonder, pray thou wilt raise us up from the depths of our sins.

The Kontakion from the Supplication to Blessed Valerius, 4th Tone:
Come, let us rejoice with one heartfelt voice, Valerius, the treasure of the martyrs of the latter days, who, like a lily illuminated by the Holy Ghost, rose in the darkness of the dungeon and hath filled Romania with the sweet-smelling fragrance of his prayer.

The Kontakion from the Canon to Blessed Valerius, 4th Tone:
Today, we celebrate the memory of the confessor, Valerius, who hath transformed prisons into places of salvation, let us say to him with warmth and love: Rejoice, O Saint, that in the swamp of despair, thou didst not lose hope in the help of God, Who hath shone His face on thy labors and strengthened thee, that thou mightest endure to the end.

A Second Troparion of Blessed Valerius, 4th Tone:
To the praiseworthy, Holy Martyr Valerius, who cut off the cunning impulses of many hearts like another Michael with the sword of the Word, and like another Gabriel, with the fragrance of his most beautiful soul, comforted unspeakable sorrows. With joy, let us sing to him: Rejoice, Holy Martyr Valerius, chosen lily of the Most High!

A General Troparion for Martyrs, 4th Tone:
In his sufferings, O Lord, Thy Martyr Valerius received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; for possessed of Thy might, he set at naught the tormentors and crushed the feeble audacity of the demons. By his supplications save Thou our souls.

The Troparion to All Saints of the Prisons, 1st Tone:
The true confessors of Christ hath bravely withstood the wiles of the devil, and neither persecution, nor prison, nor tortures, nor chains couldst frighten them, but with power from on High, hath they guarded the faith and the Romanian Land. By their prayers, Christ our God, save Thou our souls.

The Matins Stichera for Saint Valerius Gafencu, 1st Tone:
Among the most praised martyrs do thou, O Valerius, sing praises to Christ with an outpour of tears, and by confession hast thou been made perfect in faith, a Martyr, a New Confessor, and thou hast become a divine teacher to thy brothers by thine all-honorable asceticism.

O chosen one of the Lamb, thy soul appeared to be a new heaven, and thy virginal body a new earth, O divine Valerius, making thyself a glorious testimony of perseverance in the Holy Ghost.

The Word of God hath dug a well of divine gifts in thy heart, Saint Valerius, for thou hast wisely clothed the whole face of human love in the most holy immortality.

The light of Christ shines to all through thy life, O Valerius, and darkness shall not overcome it, for just as thy mind housed Christ alone, O Most-Praised One, it is through Him alone that all nations may be saved.

Glory, 5th Tone:
The gentleness of Christ hath shone on thy face, and with its light, the darkness of the prisons was dispersed, and with the power and boldness of the Cross, thou didst trample underfoot the godless dominion. Most valiant Valerius, New Martyr, and Eternal Supplicant, thou didst appear as a pillar of the faith of the Church, calling us to the celebration of the mysteries, the remembrance of Love, and the glory of Christ, Who in heaven forever glorifies His martyr.

New Martyr and Confessor Valerius Gafencu, The Prison Saint of Romania (18 Feb)


Notes on the Hymn and Translation from Kaleb:

  • Valerius Gafencu is not canonized as a Saint. This hymn exists out of the belief that he is a saint before God, even if he is not canonized. In his honor, many have adopted the custom of celebrating his memory of the 18th of February.
  • All the above is the text of the Unseated Hymn as localized in translation.
  • This is the link to the Romanian text of the Unseated Hymn.
  • This is a link to the Unseated Hymn being chanted in Romanian.
  • The Judgement of the Church is the highest on matters of religious life. If the Romanian Orthodox Church condemns Valerius, or I receive instruction from my bishop to delete this hymn, then I will delete it.
  • This text was composed by the Brotherhood of Petru Vodă Monastery.
  • This hymn was translated to English entirely by myself, Kaleb, on the entreaty of a Romanian Orthodox Christian who desired that the veneration of the Prison Saints of Romania be spread.
  • The entire Romanian original of this Unseated Hymn (as well as a Canon to Saint Valerius) can be found in the book “Lângă Valeriu Gafencu, Sfântul Închisorilor” by Octavian Anastasescu. The Unseated Hymn starts on Page 196, and the Canon starts on Page 186. The Prayer to Saint Valerius, the Prayer to the Prison Martyrs, and the Prayer for the Glorification of the Prison Martyrs are contained herein.
  • The translation provided here is not word for word, but rather, it is thought for thought. As such, some words have been removed, and some lines have been almost entirely rephrased to fit readability and chantability according to English language conventions.
  • The English version of most quotes have been taken from the 2nd Edition of the the English translation of the book “The Saint of the Prisons.” This book can be listened to here. Here are the page numbers for each quote:

    - A Word of Wisdom: Page 250
    - 1st Stanza: Page 323
    - 2nd Hymn on the Scroll, 1st Quote: Page 301
    - 2nd Hymn on the Scroll, 2nd Quote: Page 158
    - 3rd Hymn on the Scroll: Page 316
    - 3rd Stanza: A Letter to Saint Arsenius Boca of Prislop (19 May 1946). A fragment of the letter is contained on Page 310, but the letter’s entirety, including this quote, has not been included.
    - 4th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 168
    - 5th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 140
    - 6th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 315
    - 7th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 198
    - 7th Stanza: Page 254
    - 8th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 142
    - 8th Stanza: Page 153
    - 9th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 329
    - 9th Stanza: Page 234
    - 10th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 200
    - 11th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 311
    - 11th Stanza: Page 189
    - 12th Hymn on the Scroll: Page 125
  • Here is the text of the Prayer to the Prison Martyrs in Romanian:

    “Sfinților noi mucenici și mărturisitori, rugați-vă lui Dumnezeu pentru noi în aceste vremuri de grea încercare. Aveți grijă de tot clerul și de tot poporul binecredincios. Nu îngăduiți ca dușmanul mântuirii noastre să cotropească pământul sufletelor noastre, prin rătăciri și patimi de tot felul. Ajutați-ne să punem, iară și iară, început bun mântuirii noastre.

    Fiți călăuzitori ai noștri pe calea mântuirii, povățuindu-ne prin părinții noștri duhovnici. Fiți sprijinitori ai celor care vor să lepede înțelepciunea acestei lumi și să dobândească înțelepciunea cea adevărată. Fiți întăritori ai celor care, din pricina fricii, se feresc să dea mărturia cea bună. Ridicați-i pe cei căzuți în groapa păcatelor. Celor bolnavi ușurați-le suferințele, celor necăjiți dați-le cele de trebuință.

    Voi, care ați răbdat foamea și setea și frigul și arșița și golătatea, ați primit de la Dumnezeu darul de a-i mângâia pe cei aflați în nevoi de tot felul. Vrem să vedem lucrarea voastră în viețile noastre, vrem să fim martori ai mijlocirii voastre minunate. Îmblânziți-i pe cei care și acum vă prigonesc, potoliți-i pe cei care și acum vă defaimă. Rugați-vă lui Dumnezeu să răspândească în tot locul mărturia despre pătimirea și sfințenia voastră. Dați-ne putere, sfinților, să mergem pe urmele voastre, ca să fim cu adevărat urmașii rugăciunilor voastre.

    Ajutați-ne să zugrăvim în inimile noastre icoanele voastre și să vă lăudăm până în ceasul din urmă al vieții noastre, slăvindu-L pe Dumnezeu cel în Treime lăudat, pe Tatăl, pe Fiul și pe Sfântul Duh, acum și pururea, și în vecii vecilor. Amin.”
  • Here is the text of “Another Prayer” to Saint Valerius in Romanian:

    “Sfinte Mucenice Valeriu, luminătorul tem­niţei vremelniciei, pe Dumnezeul Cel Veş­nic roagă-L să deschidă temniţa sufle­tului meu cel ce intru ale patimilor lanţuri pătimeşte. Cu mireasma sufletului tău de crin să primenească stricăciunea sufletului meu să acopere palmele ne­ascultării şi ale neînfrânării cu care îmi lovesc inima şi să mângâie durerea nede­să­vârşirilor mele. Iar iubirea ta să adâncească în mine dorul Iubirii celei Mari a Hristosului lumii, făcându-mi-se mie şi întreg nea­mu­lui meu pântece al Învierii! Amin.”

    It was written by Brother Gabriel of Petru Vodă Monastery.
  • Here is the text of the Troparion in Romanian:

    “Întru tine Sfinte ne-am înaripat inimile spre dragostea cea de Dumnezeu purtătoare, căci iubindu-ne, Iubirea ne-o ai arătat şi răstignind păcatul, rana rugăciunii neîncetate ai dobândit. Întru aceasta de Dumnezeul Cel Preaînalt se bucură, Sfinte Mucenice Valeriu, duhul tău!”

    It was written by Brother Gabriel of Petru Vodă Monastery.

    Brother Gabriel personally testified to receiving a blessing from Elder Justin Pârvu to compose an Unseated Hymn to Saint Valerius Gafencu (different than the one I’ve translated here), from which the Main Troparion and 2nd Troparion were taken:

    “While I was involved in the editorial activity at the Petru Vodă Monastery, I went to Father Justin to get a blessing for a “Bouquet of Unseated Hymns of the New Romanian Saints.” I should mention that at that time (2012), I had a habitual devotion to Father Arsenius Boca, always promoting his opposition to ecumenism (a text disputed as not belonging to him), and being impressed by the multitude of people who confessed him as a saint and miracle worker. I told myself that not all that multitude of people could be deceived. I told Father Justin what I wanted to edit, and I read to him the names of the saints whose unseated hymns I wanted to publish. Among them were: Father Elijah Lăcătușu, Father George Calciu, Captain Cornelius Zelea Codreanu, Father Hilarion Felea, Martyr Valerius Gafencu (a NEW unseated hymn), and Father Arsenius Boca.”

    This testimony is recorded here: https://apologeticum.ro/2017/03/marturia-mea-cu-parintele-justin-parvu-despre-parintele-arsenie-boca/
  • Here is the text of the Kontakion in Romanian:

    “Pe cel mai luminos din ceata noilor purtători de Hristos să-l prăznuim, pe cel ce în temniţe a strălucit credinţa ortodoxă, pe cel ce a nuntit patria cea pămîntească cu patria cerească şi desăvîrşit lui Hristos urmînd I s-a asemănat, cu bucurie îl mărim.”

    This is from the service for Saint Valerius Gafencu, which was celebrated on the 61st anniversary of his repose.
  • Here is the text of the Troparion from the Supplication in Romanian:

    “Fericit eşti, căci în prăpastia smereniei ai căzut, iar Hristos S-a grăbit să-ţi dea mână de ajutor şi să te ridice pe culmile cele mai înalte ale slavei Sale, descoperindu-ţi adâncul cel nesfârşit al iubirii dumnezeieşti. De vederea acestuia fiind noi străini, te rugăm să ne ridici din adâncul păcatelor noastre.”

    Here is the Supplication to Saint Valerius Gafencu in Romanian.
  • Here is the text of the Kontakion from the Supplication in Romanian:

    “Veniţi să fericim într-un glas al inimii pe cel ce este comoara mucenicilor ultimelor veacuri, pe cel ce ca un crin strălucit de Duhul a răsărit în întunericul temniţei, iar acum cu mireasma rugăciunilor sale a umplut pământul românesc.”
  • Here is the text of the Kontakion from the Canon in Romanian:

    “Săvârșind azi pomenirea mărturisi­to­rului Valeriu, cel ce a prefăcut temni­țele în locuri de mântuire, cu căldură și cu dragoste să‑i zicem: bucură‑te, sfin­te, că în mlaștina dis­pe­rării nu ți‑ai pier­dut nădejdea în ajutorul lui Dum­ne­zeu, Care privea la nevoințele tale și te întărea, ca să poți răbda până la sfârșit.”

    Here is the Canon to Saint Valerius Gafencu in Romanian.
  • Here is the text of the Second Troparion in Romanian:

    “Vrednicului de lau­dă Sfântului Mucenic Valeriu, care ca un alt Mihail cu sabia cu­vân­­tului a tăiat pornirile cele viclene ale multor inimi şi ca un alt Gavriil, cu mireas­ma prea­frumosului său suflet dureri nespu­se a mân­gâiat, cu bucurie să-i cântăm: Bucură-te Sfinte Mucenice Valeriu, crin ales al Celui Prea Înalt!”

    It was also written by Brother Gabriel of Petru Vodă Monastery.

    Here is a video of this troparion being sung at Petru Vodă Monastery (starting at 40 seconds).
  • Here is the text of the Troparion to the Prison Saints of Romania:

    “Mãrturisitorii cei adevãrati ai lui Hristos cu vitejie au stat împotriva uneltirilor satanei, si nici prigoana, nici temnita, nici chinurile, nici lanturile nu i-au spãimântat, ci cu putere de sus credinta si neamul românesc au pãzit. Pentru rugãciunile lor, Hristoase Dumnezeule, mântuieste sufletele noastre.”

    Here is the Unseated Hymn to the Prison Saints of Romania in Romanian.
  • Here is the text of the Matins Stichera in Romanian:

    “Prea-lăudaţilor mucenici Lauda lui Hristos, Valeriu, cu revărsările lacrimilor tale şi cu mărturisirea credinţa ţi-ai desăvîrşit, mucenice, nou pătimitorule, şi dumnezeiesc învăţător te-ai făcut fraţilor tăi către nevoinţa cea mai cinstită.

    Sufletul tău cer nou s-a arătat, şi pămînt nou feciorelnic trupul tău, alesule al Mielului, o, dumnezeiescule Valeriu, făcîndu-te însuţi slăvită mărturie a stăruinţei întru Duhul Sfânt.

    Fîntînă de dumnezeieşti daruri a săpat Cuvîntul lui Dumnezeu în inima ta, Sfinte Valeriu, căci înţelepţeşte ai îmbrăcat tot chipul iubirii omeneşti în cea mai sfîntă nemurire.

    Lumina lui Hristos străluceşte tuturor prin viaţa ta, Valeriu, şi întunericul în veac nu o va birui, căci precum doar de Hristos s-a cuprins cugetul tău, prea-lăudate, doar prin El neamul tău se va mîntui.”

    This is also from the service for Saint Valerius Gafencu, which was celebrated on the 61st anniversary of his repose.
  • Here is the text of the “Glory” in Romanian:

    “Strălucit-a blîndeţea lui Hristos pe chipul tău şi de lumina ei s-a risipit a temniţelor negură, iar cu puterea şi îndrăzneala Crucii ai zdrobit stăpînirea cea fără de Dumnezeu. Prea-viteazule Valeriu, noule mucenic şi veşnicule rugător, stîlp al credinţei Bisericii te-ai arătat, chemîndu-ne către tainica ta prăznuire, dragostea ta pomenind şi pe Hristos slăvind, Cel ce în ceruri de-a pururi îl măreşte pe mucenicul Său.”

    This is also from the service for Saint Valerius Gafencu, which was celebrated on the 61st anniversary of his repose.
  • I will translate the Supplication and Canon to Saint Valerius into English. I will also translate the Unseated Hymn to the Prison Saints of Romania. If this has not been done by the time you read these words, then pray for me that I may complete this task and compel me by direct entreaty that my conscience may be wounded, and I hasten to its completion.
The Most Holy Birthgiver of God visiting the sick in the Prison of Târgu-Ocna
All Prison Saints of Romania



Kaleb of Atlanta
Kaleb of Atlanta

Written by Kaleb of Atlanta

I am an American Orthodox Christian. My intent is to spread the Orthodox Faith to African Americans.

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