Who were the Orthodox Martyrs of Yemen?
The Forgotten Names of Our Holy Church in Distant Lands
In what is now Yemen, there existed a nation called Himyaritia (Otherwise known as Omir or Homer). During the time of Emperor Justin of Rome and Emperor Kaleb of Axum, there arose a man named Dunaan (Dhū Nuwās) who conquered Himyaritia and declared himself the king. He was a convert to Judaism and persecuted the Orthodox Christians of that land to force them to convert to his false faith. In the city of Nagran, where the majority of the Christians lived, Dunaan entered by deceit and compelled each man, woman, and child to blaspheme the Lord Jesus Christ. To a man, they all maintained their faith. They all suffered martyrdom except for the ones who were appointed to die but were rescued by Saint Kaleb of Axum. The full story can be read here: “The Life of Saint Kaleb of Axum, Saint Arethas, and 4299 Martyrs of Nagran.”
Of the 4300 Martyrs of Nagran, not all are known by name. Even in the official hagiography, only a few are named. The names of them all are known to God, but by His revelatory grace, we have been blessed with the knowledge of the names of 272 people who were martyred in Himyaritia:
These are the names of the martyred men of Nagran:
- Saint Arethas the Martyr, the 95-year-old Prince of Nagran
- Saint Dabbas (Dabb) the Judge, who was a persecutor of Christians for a time, but converted to the True Faith and was crowned with martyrdom.
- Saint Aswar, son of Numan (Nu’man), who was the child that was asked by Dunaan if he would like to be adopted. Saint Aswar rebuked him and accepted martyrdom. His mother was burned at the stake, and Saint Aswar ran to her while she burned. He was 5 years old.
- Saint Numan, father of Saint Aswar
- Saint Harith
- Saint Harith, brother of Jabir (Jabr)
- Saint Jabir, brother of Harith
- Saint Harith, brother of Numan
- Saint Numan, brother of Harith
- Saint Harith, brother of Qadas (Q D)
- Saint Qadas, brother of Harith
- Saint Harith, 5th
- Saint Harith, 6th
- Saint Harith, 7th
- Saint Harith, 8th
- Saint Harith, 9th
- Saint Jabir, 2nd
- Saint Jabir, 3rd
- Saint Amir (‘Amr)
- Saint Amir, brother of Numan
- Saint Numan, brother of Amir
- Saint Amir, brother of Taim
- Saint Taim, brother of Amir
- Saint Amir, 4th
- Saint Amir, 5th
- Saint Amir, 6th
- Saint Amir, 7th
- Saint Amir, 8th
- Saint Abdallah and his little baby brother, who he carried on his shoulder and yet was killed
- Saint Abdallah, 2nd
- Saint Abdallah, 3rd
- Saint Abdallah, 4th
- Saint Abdallah, 5th
- Saint Abdallah, 6th
- Saint Abdallah, 7th
- Saint Abdallah, 8th
- Saint Abdallah, 9th
- Saint Abdallah, 10th
- Saint Numan, 4th
- Saint Numan, 5th
- Saint Numan, 6th
- Saint Numan, 7th
- Saint Numan, 8th
- Saint Numan, 9th
- Saint Humama
- Saint Humama, brother of Aufius (‘Auf)
- Saint Aufius, brother of Humama
- Saint Habira, son of Aufius
- Saint Aufius, 2nd
- Saint Aufius, 3rd
- Saint Mawiyus (Mu Awiya), son of Dhuhl
- Saint Mawiyus, 2nd
- Saint Mawiyus, 3rd
- Saint Mawiyus, 4th
- Saint Mawiyus, 5th
- Saint Mawiyus, 7th
- Saint Tamim
- Saint Tamim, 2nd
- Saint Addai (Add)
- Saint Thalabai (Tha’laba), nephew of Addai
- Saint Thalabai, 2nd
- Saint Ghanam
- Saint Ghanam, 2nd
- Saint Bar Dabbas
- Saint Zawariban (ZWRBN)
- Saint Malik,
- Saint Malik, 2nd
- Saint Malik, 3rd
- Saint Malik, 4th
- Saint Malik, 5th
- Saint Samir (S… four lines missing)
- Saint Abu Afir
- Saint Bar Hazaiqa
- Saint Sadai
- Saint Sergius
- Saint Yazid (‘YZD)
- Saint Yazid, 2nd
- Saint Yazid, 3rd
- Saint Badda
- Saint Badda, 2nd
- Arar, brother of Badda
- Saint Bishaq (‘BYSh)
- Saint Bishaq, 2nd
- Saint Aswar, 2nd
- Saint Busar (Busr), son of Aswar
- Saint Busar, son of Dhuhl, brother of Mawiyus
- Saint Busar, 3rd
- Saint Busar, 4th
- Saint Abdul Yawafir (A b d YWFR)
- Saint Abd, 2nd
- Saint Qabilanas (Q a ‘ b ‘ n)
- Saint Dhuhl, son of Qabilanas
- Saint Dhuhl, father of Mawiyus and Busar
- Saint Dhuhl, son of Shalim
- Saint Shalim, father of Dhuhl
- Saint Dhuhl, 4th
- Saint Dhuhl, 5th
- Saint Dhiba
- Saint Dhiba, 2nd
- Saint Haufamas (Haufa ‘amm)
- Saint Haufamas, 2nd
- Saint Salima
- Saint Asad, nephew of Salima
- Saint Liyalab (LYLWB)
- Saint Faman
- Saint Ishuhl
- Saint Arbai
- Saint Saraq (Sar)
- Saint Sumurah
- Saint Kuraib
- Saint Abad
- Saint Abad, 2nd
- Saint Kufas (KF)
- Saint Kuytawil (KYTWL), brother of Kufas
- Saint Asfar
- Saint Jadan
- Saint Nimarah, N’Mrah
- Saint Azmam
- Saint Habib, (HB)
- Saint Ashab
- Saint Milizin
- Saint Jarir
- Saint Jarir, 2nd
- Saint Jarir, 3rd
- Saint Naufas
- Saint Azfar and his sons
- Saint Azraq
- Saint Azraq, 2nd
- Saint Abraq
- Saint Shalim, 2nd
- Saint Qais, brother of Shalim
- Saint Shalim, 3rd
- Saint Shalim, 4th
- Saint Habib, 2nd
- Saint Amir, brother of Habib
- Saint Duwaid
- Saint Khalil
- Saint Khalil, 2nd
- Saint Aswar, 3rd
- Saint Aswar, 4th
- Saint Ahmam
- Saint Dakari (DKY’)
- Saint Mahawari (M H W Y N)
- Saint Abraham
- Saint Hani
- Saint Hani, 2nd
- Saint Makuradi (MKRDY)
- Saint Wa-il
- Saint Wa-il, 2nd
- Saint Namirah
- Saint Ausiyah (Aus)
- Saint Rhabias
- Saint Alamundarius (Ala . . . r)
- Saint Sarib (S R H B)
- Saint Alastor (A l a u)
- Saint Khalif (Kahf)
- Saint Zafariyas (Z F R Y)
- Saint Hiyarim (H Y R M)
- Saint Taimai
- Saint Qais
- Saint Faludaim (Fluldai)
- Saint Lamiras (L . . a)
- Saint Duwaid
- Saint Muhammad (M . . .)
- Saint Laimalik (L Y L)
- Saint Khutun ( . . Y N)
- Saint Sariyas (S R Y)
- Saint Dhuwab
- Saint Karib
- Saint Mukaridi (M K R [ D Y ])
- Saint Marthad
- Saint Dabbas, 2nd
- Saint Diyari (D Y ‘)
- Saint Shadai (Sha d)
- Saint Ralib (“ R l i B)
- Saint Hanna
- Saint Habsa
- Saint Hayya
- Saint Hayya, 2nd
- Saint Hayya, 3rd
- Saint Hittan
- Saint Numan, son of Ruhm
These are the names of the martyred women of Nagran: - Saint Syncletica, with her 12-year-old daughter and younger daughter
- Saint Tahnah
- Saint Hadia, daughter of Tahnah
- Saint Aumah, handmaiden of Tahnah
- Saint Elishba the Deaconess
- Saint Ammai the Nun
- Saint Ruhm the Older, daughter of Azma
- Saint Aumah, daughter of Ruhm
- Saint Ruhm the Younger, granddaughter of Ruhm
- Saint Aumah, 2nd, and her daughter and her mother
- Saint Aumah, 3rd, and her four sisters
- Saint Aumah, 4th
- Saint Masha (MH(S?)a)
- Saint Dara (Da) the Nun
- Saint Thummaliki
- Saint Thummaliki, 2nd
- Saint Hinter (Hint)
- Saint Hinter, 2nd
- Saint Hinter, 3rd
- Saint Hinter, 4th
- Saint Amma
- Saint Amma, 2nd
- Saint Amma, 3rd
- Saint Amma, 4th
- Saint Humama
- Saint Ushana and her mother
- Saint Ruhm, sister of Ushana
- Saint Ruhm, 3rd
- Saint Arqas
- Saint Ruhin and her three daughters
- Saint Jabrah
- Saint Hayya
- Saint Hayya, 2nd
- Saint Hubbah
- Saint Hubbah, 2nd
- Saint Uzafa
- Saint Aqtam
- Saint Aqtam, 2nd
- Saint Waddah and her daughter
- Saint Sariba (SRHB)
- Saint Salma
- Saint Yla and her three daughters
- Saint Salawima (SLWma)
- Saint Ausa
- Saint Ausa, 2nd
- Saint Ausa, 3rd
- Saint Mannah (Ma’na)
- Saint Taminah (TMNya)
- Saint Taibah
- Saint Taibah, 2nd
- Saint Hamdah
- Saint Hamdah, 2nd
- Saint Auda
- Saint Ummu Bayyah
- Saint Ummu Busara
- Saint Ummu Jabala
- Saint Ummu Shaishala
- Saint Ummu, 5th
- Saint Ummu, 6th
- Saint Busara (Busr)
- Saint Yahibah (YHWbah)
- Saint Habibah (HBB)
- Saint Habibah, 2nd
- Saint Habibah, 3rd
- Saint Durrah
- Saint Maria
- Saint Asma
- Saint Asma, 2nd
- Saint Asma, 3rd
- Saint Amira
- Saint Mawiyah
- Saint Mawiyah, 2nd
- Saint Jadida
- Saint Jadida, 2nd
- Saint Hasana
- Saint Hasana, 2nd
- Saint Khalila
- Saint Alhan
- Saint Kabsha
- Saint Halimah (H L H)
- Saint Jaushanah
- Saint Hawalinah (H W L H)
- Saint Durrah
- Saint Namlah
- Saint Mahmida
- Saint Mayyah
- Saint Dabbah
- Saint Ihiyah (YHyah)
- Saint Umayya
- Saint Fatima
Holy Martyrs of Nagran, pray to God for us!
Saint Kaleb of Axum, pray to God for us!
Notes on the Names:
- The above-mentioned names come from the Book of the Himyarites.
- For some of the names, I have localized them in translation; their original names, as recorded in the text, are placed to the side of the first iteration of that name’s appearance in parentheses.
- Everyone mentioned above was martyred in Nagran, even if they dwelt in another city, such as the blessed woman Thummaliki, who suffered in Masruq but escaped to Nagran, where she was martyred. There were many other martyrs who were killed in other cities, however, such as in Marib, Hadramut, Hajaren, and Zafar.
- Some of the names have been given epithets to distinguish them from others with the same name. The ones without epithets could be called “of Nagran,” “of Omir,” “of Yemen,” or some variation of these.
- All repetitions of names are of unrelated people unless otherwise specified.